By Mike Anderson

The Georgina Community Food Pantry raised $102,194, exceeding its goal of $100K, during its #GoodFoodChallenge fund-raising campaign, which ran during April.

“I just want to say a big thank you to the community for the continuous support,” said Cesar Caneo, the Pantry’s Executive Director.

“It’s a reflection of what we’ve already seen in the community. I’m relatively new to Georgina; I started back in December. But, I’ve seen the overwhelming support of residents and local businesses helping us help others. Especially those who are facing a tough time during the pandemic and who, unfortunately, have to go to the food pantry to make it to the end of the month.”

The Pantry is open on Thursdays and Fridays for food distribution. While each week varies, with Christmas being the busiest period, according to Mr. Caneo, the Pantry sees about 85 families a week.

But he expects to see more in the coming year.

Mr. Caneo said the total number of people accessing the Pantry in 2020 rose by 5 per cent. However, that number has increased by 10 per cent during the first three months of 2021. Also, nearly one in four are first-time users.

“It looks like this year will be tougher than last year, partially because some of the support that people had last year, like CERB, has expired or will be reduced,” Mr. Caneo said.

“But we are going to be there to support the community and fulfill our mission, which is to have a food secure community where no one is left behind.”

As many people are home and were probably not aware of the Pantry’s #GoodFoodChallenge, Mr. Caneo is especially grateful for the support from the Town of Georgina, which matched donations up to a total of $25,000, and local businesses, like realtor Jennifer Jones, who doubled the donations made through a gofundme page, contributing more than $16,000.

A special shout-out also goes to Dushi Quittner, manager of the Scotiabank in Sutton, whose branch matched its customer’s donations.

“We’ve been able to collect $2,000 as the result of the generosity of our customers. And the bank is supporting us during this drive by matching the $2,000,” said Ms. Quittner, who also serves on the board of Jericho Youth Services.

“Our branch has always supported local charities. It’s just one of the things as a community bank we love to do.”

“We’re at a time when people are challenged in every way. A lot of people have lost their jobs. A lot of people are having a difficult time putting food on the table. And, we’ve seen food inflation go up so much. So, we’re very humbled to be able to support our community and be able to do whatever we can to support the food bank.”

Even though the campaign is officially over, Ms. Quittner said customers can still make donations at the branch until the end of May.



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