By Michelle Poirier

A sign war is underway between businesses in Georgina, encouraged by the Georgina Chamber of Commerce as the trend spreads throughout Ontario.

The call to action was posted on the Chamber’s Facebook page on April 2 and businesses were quick to join in. There are already 50 businesses posting their sign photos, some posting multiple signs. 

“We’ve had to get a little more crafty looking for ways to continue promoting our local businesses, especially when we’re being told to stay home other than for essential shopping, but we feel this initiative is a fun and free way to get your name in front of new customers,” Amanda Stewart, Membership and Events Co-ordinator at Georgina Chamber of Commerce, said.

Connors Music on The Queensway S. in Keswick is one of the many businesses participating in the ongoing sign war.

“We got called out by Queensway Marketplace, in a fun way, so we wanted to jump in and respond and poke fun at our lovely neighbours here,” John Connors, Sales Manager and Teacher at Connors Music, said.

Connors Music’s sign reads, “Hey Queensway Marketplace! You may have drumsticks, but they don’t rock like ours do!”

The Queensway Marketplace started the sign war with: “Hey Connors looking for treble? Meat us in the parking lot.”

“It was just something fun and, of course, it is always great to be engaged with the community online,” Mr. Connors said. 

Even the Town of Georgina has joined in on the fun. Their sign for the ROC and Civic Centre reads, “We’re ready to ROC this sign war!” And their sign outside of the Ice Palace, where the vaccination clinic is located, reads, “Sign War? Hit me with your best shot!”

Businesses are welcome to join in and come up with a call out to another business. If they want to post their sign on social media, tag @GeorginaChamberofCommerce and use the hashtag #georginasignwars.

Businesses do not need a physical sign to participate, many business owners who do not have signs are creating their own digitally.

Keep your eye on the signs around town and check out Georgina Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page for a compiled album of sign photos.

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