Nancy Banks

By: Ewa Chwojko-Srawley

It’s often been said that unprecedented times call for unprecedented solutions.

So when the Jackson’s Point BIA regrettably had to cancel its immensely popular Painted Perch Festival, Steve Jacobson, chair of the BIA, proposed showing gratitude to Georgina’s frontline and essential workers through art.

The BIA is giving away 60 unpainted fish cut-outs, or blanks, to children and adults, saying to decorate them in any way they want. All creations will be put on display at different locations in Georgina to pay tribute to those who take care of us, risking their own wellbeing.

Perch Blanks

The Painted Perch Festival was born nine years ago to celebrate the history of fishing on Lake Simcoe and to celebrate the arts. Every August, it attracted about 800 participants, including tourists from the United States.

Mr. Jacobson estimates that last year about 30 per cent of participants were from out of town. He admits that cancelling this year’s event was difficult.

“It’s nine months of hard work for the BIA volunteers to make it a successful day, but it’s not wasted. We are planning a big celebration for 2021 with some new attractions-which I will not reveal yet,” he said.

No doubt, it will be a huge success! Meanwhile, why not start showing gratitude and appreciation to all the frontline workers right here, right now? Ready? Set? Paint a Perch!!

For details, go to Facebook page: PAPOT – Paint a Perch of Thanks.

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