By: Karin Simpson, Queensville Players President

On November 22nd 2022, the Queensville Players Community Theatre family was rocked to the core with the tragic accident that took the lives of Jon, Stefphanie, and Riddick MacHart leaving the sole survivor, Rowghan, fighting for her life. 

The MacHarts were new to the Queensville Players family. They joined in early September when Riddick auditioned for the lead role of “Troy Bolton” in Disney’s High School Musical. At the time we were still looking for a “Coach Bolton”, a “Ms Tenney” – the science teacher, and “Martha Cox”. Slowly but surely, all four family members ended up in the play all in an effort to do something together before Riddick went to university in the fall. 

Stefphanie and I were fast friends. She confided in me that they were beyond happy that they could share the experience of being on stage together…she said, “in our family, we support the heck out of each other, and this takes it to a whole new level”.

MacHart family: Jon, Rowghan, Riddick & Stefphanie

The MacHarts would travel 3 hours round trip to rehearse at the Queensville United Church for a 3 hour long rehearsal 3 times a week. That kind of commitment did not go unnoticed. They absolutely loved what they were doing and the people they were doing it with. Every single cast member adored them as individuals, but also as a family.

We had successfully reached the end of our first weekend, and were anxiously awaiting the second. Unfortunately, that was never the case. 

When we all found out, we were in shock. We were all devastated. We knew we needed to do something to help. It was then that we decided collectively to hold a benefit concert in the MacHart’s name.

We all prayed for Rowghan to make it through – it was a whole week before we heard her chances of survival were very high. Months later we learned that she would very likely be wheelchair-bound for life due to the severity of the injuries to her spinal cord. 

This concert is being held on Saturday, June 17 at 2 p.m. at the Stephen Leacock Theatre to support Rowghan and her transition home. Our goal is to raise enough money to substantially assist with the many costs that are associated with refitting her home where she lives with her grandparents.

The concert itself is a wonderful collection of dancers and singers who have ties with the MacHart family. Many of the performers are coming together from all parts of the region including Peterborough, Whitby, Toronto, Uxbridge, and Georgina. Once word got out about the concert, everyone wanted to be part of the healing magic!

Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Tickets are available at:

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