By: Michelle Poirier

The Salvation Army has pulled their Kettles just weeks after the annual Christmas Kettle Campaign began on November 14, but the campaign is not cancelled, just going virtual.

Major Colleen Winter, the Salvation Army pastor in Georgina, said the Salvation Army decided to remove the kettles and replace them with unmanned tap machines.

“We have had to pull them because we are in the Red Zone, they’ve made some changes to the kettle, and as of next week, we are now online,” she said.

The tap machines will be located at Walmart and Zehrs in Keswick.
“They’re unmanned kettles, there’s not an actual bubble, just a stand, and people can give $5 increments through VISA, MasterCard or Interact,” Major Winter said.

Tap machine for Kettle Drive

Along with the tap machines, you can now donate online, you can mail in your donation to the Salvation Army Church in Jacksons Point, or you can drop your donation off at the church.

Major Winter said it is unfortunate that the campaign has to be virtual, but they need to be good stewards during this time.

The church has already started to receive donations for the campaign.

“People are very gracious; we are very blessed. And I tell our folks, we do our best, and we leave the rest, that’s all you can do. We’re not the only ones in this boat; everybody’s there,” she said.

“We’re confident, we know it will be down this year because of COVID-19, but we are going to be blessed to take what we can get and put our best foot forward.”

They have already received a donation of $949.00 from a business owner in Georgina, who wishes to remain anonymous; they donate a portion of their profits from a single day every year to the Kettle Campaign.

For more information on how to donate, you can visit

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