

Home News Focus

Pefferlaw Senior Fights off Coywolf Attack

What was supposed to be a routine walk for Bruce Adkins and his dog, turned into a life and death struggle when a coywolf...

Georgina faces affordable housing crisis

By: Michelle Poirier The lack of affordable housing is the most significant issue facing low-income residents in Georgina, according to a new report, A Closer...

Mossington wharf: Could the last days of summer mark the end of a landmark?

When it's a lovely sunny day in August Krissy Filby likes to take her kids to the mouth of the Black River, where they can...

Bradford Bypass could face federal impact assessment after all

By Mike Anderson The province's plan to fast-track the Bradford Bypass, a 16.2-km four-lane highway linking the 400 to 404, could face a new roadblock...

Canada’s top doctor changes position on use of face masks

By: James Burrows For several weeks now the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the US and the Canadian government...

Small dairy farms disappearing in Georgina

By Mike Anderson & Sarah Grishpul While dairy farms were once a common sight in Georgina, their numbers have declined over the years.  When the Dairy...

A look at the 2022 municipal election: Peeking over the shoulder of possibilities

By Karen Wolfe As 2022 will include at least two separate elections this year, we felt it would be interesting to explore how changes to...

LTC residents social and emotional needs being ignored, TRO says

By Sarah Grishpul Therapeutic Recreation (TR) specialists, who provide recreational activities for LTC residents, say they have been left out of the provincial government’s long-term...

Sutton Christmas Bird Count records 57 species

By Paul and Debra Harpley The 35th annual Sutton Christmas Bird Count was held on Tuesday, December 28, with a total of 52 observers tallying...

Field-To-Table: City slicker visits Georgina’s working farms.

By: Tina Novotny If you are an urbanite like me who likes to channel their inner farmer, then a local country fair isn’t going to cut it. ...


January 24, 2025 Issue

Main Stories: Municipal speed cameras coming soon to Community Safety Zones , New primary care clinic opens in Keswick, Council ends blue box collection for BIAs, Author Ted Barris talks about the Battle of Britain, Fire and Stars: A Torchlit Adventure at Sibbald’s Point ​


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