TORONTO — Ontario will move ahead with its controversial municipal funding cuts for public health and child care next year.

Premier Doug Ford is expected to make the announcement later today at a gathering of municipal leaders in Ottawa.

His office says Ford will announce that the funding changes will go ahead on Jan. 1, 2020.

The Progressive Conservative government tried to force retroactive funding cuts this year but had to cancel them after municipal leaders complained their annual budgets had already passed.

The new plan will see all municipalities — including Toronto — pay 30 per cent of the public health care costs. Under the initial plan, Toronto would be on the hook for 50 per cent of the cost.

Starting on Jan. 1, 2020, municipalities will also have to pay 20 per cent of the cost of creating new child care spaces, which the province previously fully funded.

Ford is also expected to announce changes to land ambulance funding at the Ottawa gathering.

The Tory government has said the funding cuts are necessary in order to tackle the province’s $11.7-billion deficit.

The Canadian Press

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