By: Tanya Edwards
Take four people with the same spooky hobby, and what do you get? COPi, Central Ontario Paranormal Investigations.
Glenn and Wendy Laycock along with Paul and Tina Jackson formed COPi over a cup of coffee and their passion for the paranormal in 2017. They haven’t stopped investigating the spiritual world since.
Recently Mayor Margaret Quirk invited COPi to investigate if anyone is still wandering around the dark corners of the soon to be defunct Georgina Civic Centre.
The building was originally a monastery, home to several religious orders, so the chances of someone hanging around were pretty high, and COPi jumped at the chance.
Volunteering their time Mayor Quirk and a few staff members dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s making sure protocol and security measures were followed then COPi set up their command center.
Using infrared cameras, video and audio recording devices and other high-tech tools to detect possible spirits, the investigation began.
The first team consisting of Tina Jackson and Mayor Quirk headed downstairs where they were disappointed when nothing happened, but things soon changed. Returning upstairs, Ms. Jackson asks again: “Is anyone here?”‘ A female voice answers, “I am.”
COPi reports that the findings were numerous. First, a male voice identifies himself as “Fred.” Then, when Mr. Jackson asks, “Is anyone here?” A female voice answers, “I’m here!” Later, a voice commands “Get out!” when the women enter the former monks quarters. And, a recording of what was thought to be gibberish was later found to be voices speaking Latin.
COPi does not charge for their service; they want to investigate and help solve your strange happenings, that is their passion.
COPi Central Ontario Paranormal Investigations aren’t doing this for fame or fortune; they investigate for free, inviting the homeowners to participate. All four team members have regular jobs and live in normal houses, sort of, the Laycock house is said to have several unearthly tenants including visits from a spirit named Lucy.
When I contacted Mr. Laycock about the investigation with Mayor Quirk, he and his team were more than willing to share the story and the groups’ passion for what they do. Sitting at the Laycocks’ dining room table with the 4 COPi members and a cup of tea, I listened to their story and experienced a few strange happenings.
Listening to the Jacksons and the Laycocks relay their stories; you get a sense that they are genuinely out to help people. The guys, Glenn and Paul, love their high tech tools and had set up a few while we chatted. An energy monitor showed high readings when we talked about Lucy, and somehow, my freshly charged cell went from 100% to zero after a few odd noises and a small vibration, weird.
I also ‘lost’ my car keys and after checking, several times, the usual places one drops their keys, purse, pockets, countertops, I found mine tucked in my waistband, again, weird. I kept expecting someone to enter the room from the back hallway; I really thought someone was standing just out of sight — Lucy perhaps?
Later at the Georgina Civic Centre where Georgina Post publisher, Mike Anderson had set up to take pictures, his camera wouldn’t work. His comment was, “that’s never happened before, weird.” The rest of us laughed, wondering if it might be Fred.
On a final note, after COPi packed up at the center, and the Mayor’s team went through to secure the building, a disembodied voice asked a staff member, “Are you done yet?” COPi is far from done.
You can learn more about COPi, watch video coverage of the Georgina Civic Centre investigation, check out their upcoming appearance at the Toronto Fall Home Show, and Ghost Walk with them in support of Habitat for Humanity by checking out the group’s Facebook page: COPi Central Ontario Paranormal Investigations.
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