By: Jay Thibert

For the 121st year, the National Audubon Society has organized the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count across the Western Hemisphere.

This year, this long-running wildlife censuses was carried out between December 14 and January 5 by tens of thousands of bird-loving volunteers all while abiding by regional COVID-19 rules.

The twelve decades worth of data collected by participants continue to contribute to one of only two large existing pools of information notifying ornithologists and conservation biologists about what conservation action is required to protect birds and their habitats. 

The Uxbridge count was held on December 27, 2020 and the Beaverton count was held December 30, 2020. Both North Durham counts benefitted from the influx of northern finches adding to the variety in this years Christmas lists. Uxbridge’s count hit 61 species surpassing its previous high of 53 in 2014.

Beaverton hit 55 species, its third highest. More people participated in both counts this year and weather in Uxbridge was clear making observation conditions ideal.

Beaverton’s weather was poor, but the birds showed up in smaller numbers and the diversity was seen at backyard bird feeders.

Evening and Pine grosbeaks, Common and Hoary redpolls, Pine siskins, Red crossbills, Bohemian waxwings were all seen in Uxbridge with Common redpoll flocks being the most numerous species (over 2000). 

For more information go to the Enjoy winter and the diversity of birds that it brings. 

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