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Southlake won’t send frontline staff to River Glen Haven, as family members grow frustrated...

By: Mike Anderson It's been one week since Southlake officially took over management of the River Glen Haven Nursing Home in Sutton, York Region's deadliest...

Olympic gold medalist receives warm homecoming in Keswick

By Mike Anderson Fresh from her hockey team's gold medal win against team U.S.A. at the Winter Olympics in Beijing, Erin Ambrose, who grew up...

Remembrance: WW2 veteran Jim Parks recalls landing at Juno Beach

By Mike Anderson Private Jim Parks was 19 when he landed at Juno Beach on June 6, 1944, with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles (RWRs). He joined...

Pan-African flag-raising at Georgina Civic Centre celebrates Emancipation Day

By Mike Anderson While Americans celebrate Juneteenth, a federal holiday which commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., Canadians now have their own day...

Royal Canadian Legion expels members for wearing unearned military commendations

OTTAWA — The Royal Canadian Legion says it has taken a landmark decision to expel two members for wearing military commendations they did not...

Catherine Babick: Georgina Artist, Champion of the Arts

By: Ewa Chwojko-Srawley Catherine Babick introduced Georgina to the arts. She moved to Georgina from Toronto as an 8th-grader. Georgina schools offered no art...

Random Acts of Christmas brings festive cheer to York Region families

YRPA Media Release This holiday season will be a bit brighter for people in York Region!  Over the past two weeks, York Region Police Association...

Town of Georgina challenges community to donate to local food bank

By: Mike Anderson The Town of Georgina will match each dollar donated by the community to the Georgina Community Food Pantry, up to a total...

‘Disturbing’ long-term care home report doesn’t come as surprise to families

Simon Nisbet is convinced that if he hadn't moved his mother out of her long-term care home, she would never have left alive. He said...

Local food bank sees increased demand due to pandemic

By: Michelle Poirier Residents laid-off as a result of the pandemic are beginning to show up at the local food bank, according to Catherine Cook, Executive Director...


July 10, 2024 Issue

Main Stories: Southlake to build new urgent care clinic in Georgina, ClearWater Farm nurtures land and community, Try lawn bowling this summer! Keswick Tailoring: a perfect fit, every time