By: Mike Anderson
They say desperate times call for desperate measures. And not paying your property tax this April could be one of them.
As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of Georgina is waiving the May penalty and interest charges on the April 27 instalment of your property tax bill – also know as your interim tax bill.
Also, if you decide not to pay your water/sewer bill, the Town will delay the transfer of unpaid amounts to your property tax account.
Basically, you still owe the Town money, but its giving you a bit of tax holiday in April without any penalties.
The measure will cost the Town approximately $100,000; however, that cost may be partially offset by savings incurred through the closing of Town recreational facilities, like the ROC.
The Town has also made it easy to stop paying property tax through a pre-authorized property tax payment plan.
Although the Civic Centre is closed to the public, just call customer service at 905-476-4301, or send an email to requesting to stop your pre-authorized payments.
The Town is also considering a property tax deferral program of up to 90 days.
Whether that’s implemented or not is up to David Reddon, the Town’s CAO, who was granted authority to make that decision by a special emergency session of council on March 24.
To check for any updates on this and the status of municipal operations, cancellations and disruptions, view the town’s webpage
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