A Closer Look Info Cards

By: Michelle Poirier

A Closer Look, a community development initiative, has created information cards for Georgina residents which list the contact information for different service providers.

The initiative came out of an information sharing workshop held in March and followed a report issued by A Closer Look last December, which identified that many low-income residents in Georgina were not aware of the support services available to them.

The report, which was funded by United Way Greater Toronto, was led by Jericho Youth Services, Georgina Community Food Pantry and Routes Connecting Communities.

“The cards will help residents navigate the network of human services quickly and easily,” Danielle Koren, Executive Director of Routes Connecting Communities, said.

“The community assessment concluded that service users in Georgina lack knowledge about existing services. This is partly due to the fact that many of the groups operating in Georgina are operating as satellite locations for organizations that are headquartered outside of Georgina and therefore residents do not always know what services are available to them.” 

There are nine different information cards in total, including for mental health and addiction, transportation, health, legal and financial support, employment and education, housing and homelessness, disability, child and youth, and food security.

“They are great and easy to use resources for anyone in Georgina looking for available services,” Ms. Koren said.

The cards will be updated yearly in order to keep the information up to date for residents who need it.

There will be cards located at different service providers around Georgina, such as Routes Connecting Communities, Vaughan Health Centre and the Georgina Food Pantry, but any organization can reach out to order cards by emailing geraldine@acloserlookgeorgina.ca or downloading the cards at www.acloserlookgeorgina.ca/infocards

Sample card
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