News Release

Georgina, ON – The Town of Georgina wants to assure residents that Town drinking water is safe and meets and exceeds the regulated Drinking Water Quality Standards set out by the Province of Ontario. 

“The recent media coverage of lead in drinking water has been upsetting for many people,” said Mayor Margaret Quirk. “I want to reassure residents and businesses in Georgina that our municipal water is safe and tested on a regular basis. The 2018 annual drinking water system inspection by the province found the Town’s drinking water system performance at 100 per cent. This is the highest possible inspection ranking for drinking water systems in the province.” 

The Town’s water is treated and supplied by the Regional Municipality of York and its source is Lake Simcoe. All of the Town’s drinking water is tested at an accredited laboratory licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. Tests have routinely shown that lead levels are well below the limit set out by the province.

There is a low likelihood of lead service pipes in the Keswick-Sutton Distribution System. Any drinking water system built after the mid-1950s should not have any lead watermains or water services. The oldest watermains in Georgina are from 1958 and account for less than one per cent of the watermain by length in Town, and are made of materials other than lead. The remaining 99 per cent of watermains were installed after 1960, all of which are made of materials other than lead. If lead service pipes are found during routine repairs or water system replacement programs, the Town would replace them from the watermain to the property line.

Residents who are concerned about possible lead in their drinking water can have it tested. The Town does not provide lead tests to homeowners, however, the province has a list of laboratories that provide testing for lead. It can be found at

For more information on drinking water and water quality reports, visit

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